A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity. The order varies for any given year.” — Paul Sweeney…
Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” — Aristotle…
I wouldn’t change a thing, as happiness you bring. You are my soulmate. A marriage made by fate.” — Catherine Pulsifer…
Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” — Robert Heinlein…
Love isn’t easy, but loving you two is. Happy anniversary to the best parents…
To my best friends, role models and most importantly, parents, happy anniversary…
Your love is what keeps this family rooted. Celebrating you two today and every day. Happy anniversary…
It’s the perfect day to celebrate the most special people. Happy anniversary, parents…
Hope the next [10] years are even happier than your [first decade] together…
It started with a dream of a life together, and the dream only gets better. Cheers to [insert number] year of marriage…
High-five to your [insert number]-year milestone…
Five years, 60 months, 260 weeks, or 1,825 days—however you count it, it all adds up to love…
One decade down; forever to go…
A quarter may not sound like a lot in money, but in marriage centuries, you two prove it’s worth a fortune…
For your 25th year in marriage, may you receive more silver gifts than you have silver in your hair…
Even though the years continue to pass, my love for you only grows stronger. Happy [TK] anniversary!”
Fifty years later and all that glitters is still gold….
Congratulations on a love story that has stood the test of time — 70 years and counting…
You two are the most adorable love birds I’ve ever known. Wishing you a lifetime of love…
No other couple complements each other the way that you do. Happy anniversary to the beautiful pair who makes marriage look so easy!…
Spending time with you guys is one of my favorite pastimes. You make life more enjoyable. Happy anniversary…
No marriage is perfect, but you guys come really close. Happy anniversary.”
May God continue to cover and bless you in your union…
Who said marriage was hard? Not you guys because you make it seem absolutely effortless. Happy anniversary…
I marvel at the wonderful life you’ve built together. You guys could teach a class on how to do marriage right. Congratulations…
Wow, another year in the books! You guys work so well together. Happy anniversary…..
You two were made for each other. I’m living proof! Happy anniversary Mom and Dad…
To the couple whose love I get to watch grow stronger and stronger everyday. Happy anniversary…
You two are the reason I know what love is. Happy anniversary to the best parents…
The best thing to come out of your relationship? Me, of course! I mean, the best, most loving parents…
You’re the parents all kids hope to have, and I’m so lucky to call you my role models. Happy anniversary…
I’ve grown up watching what it meant to be a loving and caring couple. Thank you for being the blueprint for a healthy marriage. Happy anniversary…
You both show me what real love looks like. To the imperfectly perfect couple I call my parents, happy anniversary…
Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads, which sew people together through the years.” — Simone Signoret…
In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.”— Maya Angelou…
I’ve never seen a couple so right for each other. You two are a beautiful example of what it means to be happily married. Wishing you many more years together…
Separately you’re both powerful individuals, but together as a pair — you’re unstoppable! Happy anniversary to one of my favorite couples…
You’re such a beautiful couple who complement each other in enviable ways. Stay true to one another and you’ll be together for a lifetime! Happy anniversary…
You do a remarkable job of making marriage look easy. You should teach a class! Happy anniversary to a special couple…
May God continue to cover and bless you as a couple. Happy anniversary…
Cheers to a couple who exemplify a good and healthy partnership. Happy anniversary….
I admire your union. Happy anniversary…
What a beautiful and loving couple. Wishing you a lifetime of wedded bliss….
Family gatherings wouldn’t be the same without you guys. Happy anniversary to one of my favorite couples…
You two are so great to know and be around. Can you adopt me…
I couldn’t ask for a better brother-in-law. Thank you for taking my sister off of my hands! Just kidding, happy anniversary…