Crazy Status
- Boys are like baby diapers when they get to be filled with shit they are thrown to be replaced……
- Marriage is a sort of friendship recognized by the police……
- Make love… not war. Hell… do both. Get married……
- My wife said I am too immature and if I do not grow up it is going to erect a barrier between us……
- Once you learn to accept things, then you learn to get over them……..
- I am crazy and hyper but that is 2 reasons why I am lovable……
- I hate dealing with people with split personalities…..
- Don’t gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold……
- Roses are Red Violets are Blue… I’m counting the days when I can finally see U…….
- When you are on a 1% battery anyone who sends a message or calls, Becomes the enemy …..
- Group projects makes me understand why batman prefers to work alone……
- Keep me in your heart and not in your mind, bcoz I’m MIND-BLOWING…..
- I wanna be nice but some people are so annoying……
- For me studying is like S-singing T-tweeting U-unlimited chatting D-dreaming Y-yawning…..
- Dont waste your time by reading my whatsapp status…..
- My dogs wont prefer to piss on you..they have a class…..
- Once a cheater always a repeater……..
- FACT: Every piece of plastic ever made still exists. Say no to Plastic……
- The most career destroying line for Indian guys.. Bhaaaaai.. Tujhe Dekh rahi hai…….
- OH MY GOD my computer just farted……May be its my friend sitting with me not me…..
- Don’t ever, ever EVER!!! Touch a crazy woman’s pudding!!! I will STAB YOU WITH A SPOON…..
- Some people say I’m really messed up.. I don’t see what they’re- omg! a feather …..
- Have you ever started laughing for no reason, then started laughing even harder because you were laughing for no reason…..
- Women are like Elephants. I like to watch them, but I wouldn’t want to own one…..
Work hard all week?.just.. to put beer on the table……
- Don’t call me crazy. I much prefer the term “mentally hilarious…..
- I’m not crazy, I’m just special…..
- If I had a dollar for every time I was told I’m crazy, I’d be pretty darn rich……..
- My teacher wear sun glasses when she teachs me bcoz I am a bright student …..
- People are surprised with sudden rains. Relax guys,Rajnikant is testing his pichkari……..
- Its cute when ur crush’s crush is uuh …..
- My life, my rules…..
- I hate people who steal my ideas before I think of them…….
- I m soo poor…..I can’t even pay attention…..
- Waiting for “Ache Din”…..
- The depth of ones first love, shows the depth of ones foolishness………
- Act crazy, don’t regret, do things you would never ever do because life is short so live it up…..
- After marriage, the other man’s wife looks more beautiful……
- Team work is important; it helps to put the blame on someone else……
- I will marry the girl, who look pretty in her Adhaar card…..
- Isn’t it scary that doctors call what they do “practice…..
- Every strike brings me closer to the next home run……
- Never make the same mistake twice, There are so many new ones……
- Someday short people are gonna unite and take over the world……
- if your dog barks nd ememies laugh take it serious…..
- People say you cant live without love, but I think oxygen is more important……
- Good actors make good liars but good liars make great actors……
- Early to bed, early to rise makes people suspicious……
- Hello ! I am using Facebook…..
- Insurance is like marriage. You pay, pay, pay, and you never get anything back……
- No, please don’t eat me. I have a wife and kids,eat them……
- Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery……
- Parachute for sale, used once, never opened…..
- Silence is golden. Too bad nobody is buying……
- I’m in shape. Round is a shape isn’t it…..
- It’s so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don’t say it……
- The best way to lie is to tell the truth, carefully edited truth……
- I sometimes watch birds and wonder “If I could fly who would I shit on…..
- Always borrow money from a pessimist. He won’t expect it back……
- Copycats are cheats lacking creativity……
- I will kill you with my awesomeness……..
- Me and my wife are inseparable. Sometimes… it takes three or four people to pull us apart……
- Boys are like baby diapers when they get to be filled with shit they are thrown to be replaced……
- Marriage is a sort of friendship recognized by the police……
- Make love… not war. Hell… do both. Get married……
- My wife said I am too immature and if I do not grow up it is going to erect a barrier between us……
- Call the police!! I just saw a crazy person in my mirror…..
- I think it takes a little bit of crazy to make a difference in this world……
- When people say, expect the unexpected Slap them around the face and say ‘did you expect that’ …..
- Single doesn’ t Always mean Available…..
- Why is it so easy to fall asleep in class then in bed…..
- Nothing is lost until mom can’t find it……
- Totally available!! Please disturb me…….
- If my ship ever did come in, with my luck, I’m pretty sure it would be named the Titanic…..
- I’ve been having so much bad luck lately that if I bought a scratch off lottery ticket it would probably tell me I OWED money…..
- reason for boots being called “shit kickers;” cuz if you mess with MY man I will take my boot, and kick the shit outta you…..
- Its not called staring when your looking back at me!
- That awkward moment when the awkward moment get even more awkward…..
- I’m so awesome that I wish I could be you, just so I could hang out with me…..
- You know my name not my story. So don’t assume…a damned thing…..
- silence doesn’t always mean you’re mad… sometimes it just means you have nothing to say……
- Remember how you treated me so when I treat you like that you can understand why…..
- Some people just absolutely amaze me and some people are just absolutely amazing……..
- Some days chocolate will do it, but on days like today…Captain and Coke is the only solution…..
- It’s amazing what a little tequila can do……
- Peace makes the world go around. Alcohol makes it spin like fuck…..
- Dear Liver, I apologize for what I did to you last night, but I sincerely hope you are ready for round two…..
- Remembers the day when blackberry and apple were just fruit……
- If somebody offers you a lifetime supply of candy and there is just one piece…. don’t eat it…. It’s probably poison……
- In an interview… I can multitask housework with facebook……
- I’ve always wondered if film directors wake up screaming…CUT… CUT… CUUUUUT… when they have nightmares……
- Oh I am sorry… I didn’t realise you were giving me a dirty look?I just thought you were ugly like that all the time……
- Teaching your own mother how to use Facebook is like willingly signing your own death warrant……
- Alcohol does not make you fat?it makes you lean?against tables…chairs…walls… floors and Ugly people……
- I’m still waiting for the wisdom that supposedly comes with age……
- I will never be over the hill, cos am too dam tired to climb it……
- look at my cup of care. \_/ oh crap. its empty. oh well. better luck next time…..
- I can only bottle so much inside, and right now, I’ve got more bottled up than a Coca-Cola factory……
- When I’m good, I’m very good and when I’m bad, I’m sensationa…..
- i have that kinda love that when i say “fuck you” she looks at me & grins & says “i did that last night…..
- Stand up and accept the consequences for your actions. You’re an adult. Act like one……
- How do you know when you have old man balls? When you sit on the toilet and you can tell what the water temp. is……
- the best one night stand is masturbation…you get to play with p#%^y and don’t have explain why later…lol…..
- Show me an addict and I’ll show you someone who stands behind them keeping them sick……
- Once you learn to accept things, then you learn to get over them……..
- I am crazy and hyper but that is 2 reasons why I am lovable……
- I hate dealing with people with split personalities…..
- Remembers the day when blackberry and apple were just fruit……
- If somebody offers you a lifetime supply of candy and there is just one piece…. don’t eat it…. It’s probably poison……
- In an interview… I can multitask housework with facebook……
- I’ve always wondered if film directors wake up screaming…CUT… CUT… CUUUUUT… when they have nightmares……
- Oh I am sorry… I didn’t realise you were giving me a dirty look..I just thought you were ugly like that all the time……
- Teaching your own mother how to use Facebook is like willingly signing your own death warrant……
- Alcohol does not make you fat?it makes you lean?against tables…chairs…walls… floors and Ugly people……
- Me and my wife are inseparable. Sometimes… it takes three or four people to pull us apart……