Salutations; it’s just my fancy way of saying hello or good morning …..
This is Red Barber speaking. Let me say hello to you all …..
Hello Rabbit, is that you? Let’s pretend it isn’t, said Rabbit, and see what happens…..
Charisma is not just saying hello. It’s dropping what you’re doing to say hello …..
Hello, you sick twisted freak…..
Hello darkness my old friend I’ve come to talk with you again …..
Hello monday, so we meet again …..
Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes; I’m afraid it’s time for goodbye again …..
It takes a minute to say hello. Why? I wonder why, when it’s seems to take forever, when you have to say goodbye…..
Good morning starshine the earth says hello …..
You play to win the game… Hello. You play to win the game…..
Interlude with sunshine. Hello Monday mein lazy freund …..
Walk my way and a thousand violins begin to play, or it might be the sound of your hello…..
I couldn’t walk up to a woman at a bar and say hello …..
Though the man above might say hello, expect no love from the beast below …..
Each time you say hello to a stranger, your heart acknowledges over and over again that we are all family…..
If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello …..
Goodbye is only truly painful if you know you’ll never say hello again …..
Hello, October …..
With all honesty, somewhere between the hello and the dreams I saw you in I fell in love …..
There is an empty space next to you in the backseat of the station wagon. Make it the shape of everything you need. Now say hello…..
The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye, the story of love is hello and goodbye…until we meet again …..
I don’t know how people can fake whole relationships… I can’t even fake a hello to somebody I don’t like …..
Alexander Graham Bell was the first person to ever sarcastically say hello. Hellooo, I invented the telephone! …..
A city like London is sociable in a sense that there are people gathering in bars and restaurants, concerts and lectures. Yet you can partake of all these experiences and never say hello to anyone new. And one of the things that all religions do is take groups of strangers into a space and say it is OK to talk to each other……
There’s so many great things that happened at the Grand Ole Opry in 50 years. You get the chance to go out and visit with your peers. You get a chance to sing your song and say hello to so many friends and neighbors and all that you have. It’s just – well, it’s a second home……
They’re always looking forward to going places they’re just coming back from, or regretting doing things they haven’t yet done. They say hello when they mean goodbye……
I’ve decided to just keep doing Oh, Hello, where I play an older man who thinks he’s very cultured. That clearly has not gone away…..
Hello, good morning! I hope you have a ridiculously amazing day! …..
Hello, yes this is snowman …..
How do you say goodbye to someone who had you at hello…..
Hello Monday. Wishing you a great week! …..
Hello December …..
I said hello to the poodle …..
To say hello to the right person you have to say goodbye to the wrong one…..
Hello September…..
Hello Spring…..
Cute Hello Quotes in English
Standing as a witness in all things means being kind in all things, being the first to say hello, being the first to smile, being the first to make the stranger feel a part of things, being helpful, thinking of others’ feelings, being inclusive. …..
Being nice to everybody, saying hello to everyone in the room, signing every autograph; it was instilled in me at a very young age that this was what I was suppose to do. But I don’t think it helps at all. I see more people who are rude or arrogant being rewarded – but, this way, I can put my head on the pillow at night. …..
I decorated my house like a medieval gothic castle, European-style. Chandeliers and red velvet curtains. My bedroom is pink and black, my bathroom is totally Hello Kitty, I have a massive pink couch and a big antique gold cross. …..
The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye …..
Hello, Darkness, Caine said.Gaia’s face fell. Her bloody, feral grin faded to be replaced by lips drawn right with fear. Her killer blue eyes widened as she looked at Caine who was no longer Caine.Nemesis, Gaia said. …..
There are probably brilliant people, geniuses, alive today who don’t even know how to say, Hello, how do you do? because their minds are absorbed with electronic images……
Jesus went to the cross for sins He didn’t commit. Hello! You can carry a grudge just thinking about that, but don’t do it. He knew what He was doing. It was His choice, and He did it willingly. It was the will of the Father, and He always did the will of God without complaint. So what is it that we have to complain about…..
I’m a responsible soul. But anyone who has the chance to spend time with me can see I’m still 22 years old. I love talking about clothes and guys and shoes and makeup. Plus, I’m obsessed with anything Hello Kitty…..
I’m greedy about cities – I like to form my impressions of them on my own, and on foot as far as possible, looking and listening, having conversations with bridges and streets and riverbanks, conversations I tend not to be aware of until a little later, when I find myself returning to those places to say hello again, even if only in memory……
I keep going till that pain says hello to me. I don’t say goodbye until that pain says hello. That’s a good set……
You had me at hello …..
I want to be your favorite hello and hardest goodbye …..
Whats up…..
Oh, hello there handsome …..
Hello. No this is cat …..
Hello sunshine my old friend …..
A simple hello could lead to a million things …..
Please understand if i see you again, don’t even say hello …..
I’m a lot like you, so please, hello, I’m here, I’m waiting (…..
I can’t say hello to you and risk another goodbye …..
Hello Friday, I’ve been waiting for you …..
Hello summer! …..
Hello Quotes
Why does it take a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye…..
That awkward moment when someone says ‘Hello!’ and you are like ‘Good thanks!’ …..
If you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello …..
Be the first to say, “Hello” …..
Hello. Yes. This is phone…..
Hello January …..
Hello, my name is beautiful…..
Say hello to my little friend…..
Hello McFly…..
Hello loneliness? you suck …..
Hello June…..
Hello July…..
Goodbye winter. Hello Spring …..
Hello mailman. Remember me…..
Hello, my name is fabulous …..
A simple hello can lead to a million things …..
Hello, I must be going …..
I want to be your favorite HELLO and your hardest GOODBYE …..
That face you make when you walk past someone you know but not enough for you to say hello …..
Wherever you may go, wherever you may have been, saying goodbye is fine, if you say hello again …..
This is my friend that we use a lot. Say hello to the trampoline …..
Hello. I’m hello, and I’d like to say myself …..
Hello, inner child, I’m the inner babysitter…..
Did you tell freedom hello for me? …..
Tell freedom I said hello …..
Farewell, hello, farewell, hello …..
Men who just call to say hello generally have ulterior motives …..
It’s goodbye to some things. And hello to others …..
Hello, lovely. You’re as pretty as pretty today …..
Tell the sun and stars hello for me …..
The story of love is hello and goodbye… until we meet again …..
Say hello to your life …..
Bless me and the maze I’m in! Hello, thingy spirit …..
But I let it slide, because, hello, hot guy …..
My fear is that I go up to the girl of my dreams and say ‘I’m sorry, but I’ve got to say hello to you,’ and she slides the stool back and gets up and walks away, saying, ‘Not for me, Bub. I don’t want anything to do with you……
I decorated my house like a medieval Gothic castle, European style. Chandeliers and red velvet curtains. My bedroom is pink and black, my bathroom is totally Hello Kitty, I have a massive pink couch and a big antique gold cross …..
Hello, sun in my face. Hello you who made the morning and spread it over the fields…Watch, now, how I start the day in happiness, in kindness …..</li
As you stopped to say hello, oh, you wished me well, you couldn’t tell that I’d been crying over you …..
I think that if we can’t go back, then we should try even harder to go forward. And I do want to go forward, to a place where loving someone because they have a gentle smile and a friendly hello is as easy as it once was …..
Hello, darling. Sorry about that. Sorry about the bony elbows, sorry we lived here, sorry about the scene at the bottom of the stairwell and how I ruined everything by saying it out loud. Especially that, but I should have known. You see, I take the parts that I remember and stitch them back together to make a creature that will do what I say or love me back …..
There are three basic personality factors in cats: The kind who run up when you say hello and rub against you in cheap romance; the kind who run away certain that you mean to ravish them; and the kind who just look back and don’t move a muscle. I love all three kinds …..
I know stealing a foot is weird. But, hello, living in a house where a foot is available to be stolen is weird …..
Nothing’s forever forever’s a lie. All we have is what’s between hello and goodbye …..
I keep going till that pain says hello to me. I don’t say goodbye until that pain says hello. That’s a good set …..
Check it out, forgot to say hello to my neighbors. Check it out, sometimes I question my own behavior …..
Hello Captions for Instagram
Love isn’t lying, it’s loose in a lady who lingers, saying she is lost, and choking on hello …..
If I met me, I would say a quick hello and then think that I was a really nice girl …..
I graduated from school for graphic design, and I started to get into acting class just to get over severe fright. I was an extremely shy person. I could barely say hello to anybody …..
You never imagine that when you say hello to someone and you fall in love, that some day you’ll have to say goodbye …..
There are a lot of people who that you may only nod to; it’s better to stop and say hello …..
I get a little jealous of these actor boys. They walk into a club, and in two seconds flat there are swarms of girls who are wanting so badly to touch them or just say hello. That’s not the case with me, or any other girl I know …..
The last thing I’d learn, well into my career, was how to get on, how to say hello, how to get in with the audience …..
You know how people say awards don’t mean anything? Hello! I think the energy around them makes everyone cuckoo …..
Thank you… motion sensor hand towel machine. You never work, so I just end up looking like I’m waving hello to a wall robot…..
And we’ll be saying a big hello to all intelligent life forms everywhere … and to everyone else out there, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys …..
When she packed up to leave, she knew that she was saying goodbye to something important, which
was not that bad, in a way, because it meant that at least you had said hello to it to begin with…..
Not everything is about money. You didn’t even say, hello. You are not your sad little wallet …..
They’re always looking forward to going places they’re just coming back from, or regretting doing things they haven’t yet done. They say hello when they mean goodbye …..
I tried to think of something to say. Excuse me? Hello? Marry me? Anything would have done …..
Hello, I must be going, I cannot stay, I came to say, I must be going. I’m glad I came, but just the same, I must be going …..
Hello, cell. How are you? Still dank and dirty? Me? I’ve taken up a new habit: talking to my cell. It’s like talking to myself but slightly more pathetic …..
I waved to everybody. Some of them even waved back. They knew me, had seen me go by before, always cheerful, a big hello for everybody. He was such a nice man. Very friendly. I can’t believe he did those horrible things …..
We had loved people we really shouldn’t have loved and then married other people in order to forget our impossible loves, or we had once called out hello into the cauldron of the world and then run away before anyone could respond …..
Her mouth is always on the verge of a smile. It makes her look like there’s always something amazing she needs to tell me, even when it’s just hello …..
I don’t like hello. It makes me sound like I have dementia, like I’ve never heard a phone ring before and I don’t know what’s supposed to happen next. Hello…..
Women say hello and then put their hands down my trousers. I thought it was my hand they were supposed to shake …..
Hello Quotes for WhatsApp
You don’t say hello to Mr. DeNiro? Show the respect, will ya…..
Well, my brother says Hello. So, hooray for speech therapy …..
One HELLO? can change a life.One HELLO? can save a life. …..
Good morning starshine the earth says hello………
If you can’t say goodbye to your past, then you just can’t say hello to your future …..
But naturally Jackson’s giving Danny the play – by – play because, hello, if you were Jackson and Gloria liked you, wouldn’t you be renting a billboard about it…..
The only thing that was sort of Asian was Hello Kitty. I don’t want to model myself after Hello Kitty. She has no mouth …..
The story of life is quicker than the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye…..
Some times I need to apologize, sometimes I need to admit that I ain’t right, sometimes I should just keep my mouth shut, or only say hello, sometimes I still feel I’m walking alone …..
Keep saying hello to people. They will be the differentiator for you for the rest of your life …..
I cannot think of a better way to spread the faith. No thundering from a pulpit, no condemnation from bad churches, no peer pressure, just a book of scripture quietly waiting to say hello, as gentle and powerful as a little girl’s kiss on your cheek…..
Angelina came up, and as soon as we said hello, I thought, this is going to be great. I’m really going to
love doing this with her. and I did. and then I was very excited to do the movie after that …..
When I read the script, I was like, hello, woman in a box. I had to explore that to the end …..
It’s lovely to get to say hello to people you’ve always admired from afar, but the fun really starts out front with people going commando whilst wearing daring mud suits…..
Hello, boys. How are you all? I just love boys. Hello. Are you here alone? Who are you with?… A woman? At my show?… We’ll make believe. It’s theatre …..
Often I don’t say hello to people for fear that they may not remember me …..
Hello, dolly, well, hello, dolly, it’s so nice to have you back where you belong …..
There are probably brilliant people, geniuses, alive today who don’t even know how to say, hello, how do you do? Because their minds are absorbed with electronic images …..
But she wished she had had the guts to go up to him and say hello. Or possibly break his legs, she wasn’t sure which …..
People are mostly very nice, and I always say hello. I’m laid back, so I don’t mind. I think if people watch the show and want to say hi, you’ve got to be nice …..
A goodbye isn’t painful unless you’re never going to say hello again …..
So many people fall in love at hello and don’t fight for it until they hear goodbye …..
Goodbyes hurt more than anything, especially when deep down you know you will never say hello again …..
It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure …..
Oh, can you tell I haven’t slept very well since the last time that we spoke? Please understand if I see you again, don’t even say hello …..
You can make a million friends by a mere hello and a sweet smile. But lasting friendships are made by the sincerity of one hello and the honesty of one smile …..
He completely stole my heart and I hope he never lets me go. I think I forgot to tell him he had me from hello …..
When I go to a party, nobody says hello. But when I leave, everybody says goodbye …..
Oh, Hello. I’m Eugene Mirman, and I’m here to introduce my special. It’s called An Evening of Comedy in a Fake Underground Laboratory …..
Love is a shy smile. A sweet hello. A soft caress. Love is two hands entwined. A lingering kiss. A swelling of the heart …..
There’s hell in hello and there’s good in goodbye. That’s why you shouldn’t be afraid of goodbye but careful with the hello …..
Hello and good evening hope you had a nice day and a pleasant evening as well …..
Goodbyes hurt when deep down you know, you’re never going to say hello again …..
It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure……
Her mouth is always on the verge of a smile. It makes her look like there’s always something amazing she needs to tell me, even when it’s just hello. …..
The equation Bubble Tea = Something to Look Forward To depressurizes the misery of capitalism and is a Hello Kitty band-aid on the festering wound of Neo-Liberalism……
A lot of people are confused by hello. A lot of people are confused by a lot of things they shouldn’t be confused by……
Really? Worst film you ever saw. Well, my next one will be better. Hello. Hello …..